When you make your payment, please enter the name of the actor taking the class in the message field if it's different from the name on the credit card.

After payment is made you'll receive a confirmation email with instructions on what to bring, copy to memorize and directions to the studio.
Friday June 14 One Day Commercial Invitational - 10 AM - 1 PM - To reserve a seat & pay $149 in full, click this "Buy Now" button:
Thursday September 26 One Day Commercial Invitational - 10 AM - 1 PM - To reserve a seat & pay $149 in full, click this "Buy Now" button:
----SOLD OUT!----
Friday July 19 One Day Commercial Invitational - 10 AM - 1 PM - To reserve a seat & pay $149 in full, click this "Buy Now" button:
----SOLD OUT!----